Our tech is your co-pilot It can help you grow faster
Our family of growth tools enables storefront & online business owners to streamline operations. Automagically invite new prospects and re-engage existing customers. Collect reviews & in-the-moment feedback to know what you are doing well and where your business needs to do better. Do Referral marketing like you've never before.
Our cloud and AI can point you to the growth opportunities within your business
When you know more, you can grow more
Why your business must be on connectchief
Developer friendly
integrate our technology into your application or platforms
Retailer friendly
Simply generate QR codes for your business and tap into the power of our platform
Customer reviews
Incentivize customers to write reviews right from within your business premises. Collect & showcase customer reviews from real & verified transactions
Build a loyalty strategy
We're here to help you run it. Businesses with loyalty programs build stronger customer relationships. Punch cards have been around for a reason. Customers love to receive incentives from businesses they likeprefer
Referrals & Promotions
Run marketing campaigns like never before. Referrals marketing is way more effective than traditional marketing or online ads
Always be listening
Capture customer feedback & inputs as you make changes and improvements in your business. Customers love businesses that listen and learn.
Grow your ecosystems
Ecosystems are the key to sustainable growth. Build & grow your ecosystem of partners, collaborators & suppliers with our platform. With the power of your ecosystem you can hire better, have more negotiating power and bring in more efficiencies to your business
Insights & analytics
Track and measure metrics that matter. Turn that data into actionable intelligence. Use analytics to discover signals that help you open up more opportunities run your business even better.
We're here to help
Reach out if you think we could help you with something you need.
Learn more on our Youtube channel See how we're helping Denise's cupcakes