User experience is the number one
differentiator between comparable brands

XP can show you how your customers feel!
Smart businesses listen to their customers
Scan the QR to see XP in action

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What is XP?

An XP tag by connectchief is a game-changing way to discover how your customers feel about your business without them having to respond to boring surveys

Real feedback -> Better experiences -> Thriving businesses

Place the XP tag anywhere your customers can see it They scan the QR to give you feedback in just under 30 seconds.
We help you analyze feedback and turn it into actionable insights

XP is seamless, touch-free and super-quick

Most businesses just think they know.
Be the business that knows what they think!

Doesn't matter what industry you belong to
customers are likely to switch to a competitor with one bad
experience, unless you show them you're there to listen and learn

Do you know what your customers want? XP can help.

Schedule a demo