connectchief is a technology company based in Austin, TX. We make software that helps businesses to run more smoothly & to power up their growth momentum.

The connectchief family includes various software tools such as ...

  • businessconnect - a way for your business to collaborate & co-operate with other businesses that serve similar customers or the same neighborhoods,
  • promoENGINE - a platform for you to create and manage your loyalty & promotions strategy,
  • insideconnect - an app thats used by consumers to discover, claim & redeem special deals & promotions offered by (online or offline) storefront businesses,
  • trustENGINE - an online reputation management platform where businesses transparently receive & respond to customer reviews

...and many more tools to come.

There are too many many reasons for your business to be a part of connectchief. Lets look at the top few -

  1. It costs you nothing to try and get started with connectchief.
  2. businessconnect - helps you discover other businesses who you should be co- marketing with
  3. promoengine - helps your target customers discover you through loyalty promotions
  4. insideconnect - enables you to build up engagement & loyalty with your existing customeers
  5. trustengine - enables you to directly capture user reviews in your store and
  6. insights - analyzes your business perfomrance metrics, produces actionable insights to enable your business to run smooother & thrive.

connectchief is free to join. Any business owner can create their business profile on connectchief.

You can buy credits and pay for the capabilities you use within our system.

Once you start using the system regularly, choose a subscription plan to meets your needs. Our pricing plans our setup to meet the broad spectrum of needs that businesses have.

Of course, you can contact us if you have any questions.

Ofcourse, connectchief is designed to help all businesses to find new growth.

  • Using businesconnect, Your business can find other businesses to collaborate with. They will promote your business in their storefronts while you promote theirs online.
  • Using promoengine, Your business can create, manage, distribute and redeem promotions. We have a full fledged API (application programming interface) using which your software developers can use connectchiefs promoengine technology to power your shopping cart with coupon/promo codes in under 30minutes.
  • Using trustengine, your business can request customers for reviews & maybe even offer promotional incentives to customers to review your business.
  • Quickly solicit user feedback and input about their experience at your property (online property in your case) using VisitXP by connectchief
  • Your online business can also use flexxWORK services to get access to flexible working spaces & virtual office addresses anywhere in the country. Our network of flexxWORK providers is steadily expanding.

Most importantly, we're on a mission to help businesses run smoother and grow with our technology. If we can help you solve a problem that your business needs solved, reach out to us using our contact us form.

We offer multiple pricing plans. Each plan allows for our clients to have a certain count of promotions active. Every business promotes its own promotions and also the promotions of other buxinesses that it collaborates with. While connectchief's promoengine software is in beta phase, unlimited promotion credits are available to every business. AT a later point, promotion credits will be made available to each user based on the business owners subcription plan. Each time your promotions are promoted by another business, they earn a credit and your business consumes a promotion credit. Businesses that promote less than they consume shall be expected to pay for promotion credits.

To create a discount coupon you must first setup your business profile in connectchief.

A discount coupon you create for your business can be promoted by you in your store (download the in-store "scan and win" flyer and display it prominently in your store). In addition, your discount coupon will also be promoted at businesss meet the your qualification criteron for a "business you are willing to partner wtih" and can also be advertised on virtual billboads placed by connectchief at locations of your choice.

Once you have created promotions for your business in the connectchief platform, our software promotes your business to various potential customers. The customers are presented with your promotional offers and those offers serve as incentives for them to visit your store.
When such a customer visits your store with a coupon or promotion they received from your business, you may scan that coupon / promotion using the businessconnect app. Once your staff scans the customer's coupon in the businessconnect app, our system presents you with details of the promotion.

Any promotion that you created in promoengine may be redeemed by scanning it with the businessconnect app and folllowing instructions to redeem that are showed in the businessconnect app

Each business receives a dedicated portal pageowner while creating their business profile in connectchief identifies keywords that are representative of thier business, its services and / or products.
At the time of specifying busineses that you prefer to have marketing collaborations with each business also specifies keywords that are applicable to their target businesses of interest.
Connectchief uses various data signals including the above keywords to suggest marketing partnership opportunities to businesses on our platfrom. Our goal is to help you find opportunities that help your business grow

A virtual billboard is a technology powered by promoengine. Using virtual billboards any business can place ads, promote coupons/discounts at specific locations in any city. Its like renting a virtual billboard at any location in the country and having your ads or coupons be presented to customers when they are at that location

The promoengine platform allows business owners to create discount promotions targeting end consumers & other businesses. In addition, business owners can create advertisement messages that can be presented to relevant users. Finally businesses can also create "challenge contests" for users to avail certain deep discounts if they are able to meet or beat certain challenge goals. (Example - Spend ₹XXXX in y months and get ABC or buy a burger and fries and get a small drink free)

Using promoengine, businesses are able to engage with new and old customers to drive more transactions.
Once a business owner sets up their business in connectchief and has created coupons, we unlock a special poster/flyer that the business owner can print and display within thier storefront. The flyer looks like this. Using this flyer, every customer visiting the businesses storefront is able to play a "scan and win" game that can help them save money or get access to special promotional offers from the business or its marketing partners.
This approach serves to engage customers, provide them money-saving benefits and also to promote other non-competing but relevant products and services to customers visiting the store

Yes, Your developers can use our APIs to provide your customers with personalized (or surprise) promotional offers during their shopping journey on your platform.
Some examples of how clients use our tech include -

  • Display a promotional offer / free gift from your marketing partner businesses to your customers
  • Reward users who reach certain milestones with specific targeted coupons. Send a personalize coupon by email for a customers birthday or anniversary or graduation
  • Email a user who has not visited your business in 3 months wtih a special coupon to visit your online store and make a purchase
We would love to brainstorm and help you take advantage of our technology. Tap contact us to learn more.

There is no cost to creating a promotion for your business.
We charge you for the business we generate as a result of those promotions

Once you have created a business profile within connectchief, our businessconnect engi ne gets to work to find businesses (that do not compete with you) but might be targeting the same customers that you are trying to reach.

Our software connects you with such businesses and gradually helps you expand your growth & co-marketingecosystem. With your ecosystem in place, the power of connectchief\'s promoengine now enables you reach out to clients / customers of businesses in your ecosystem with your promotional offers. Ofcourse, this works both ways, they get to promote to your customers too. Its a win-win, You receive back support by offering support to your ecosystem. By collaborating in a network, all the businesses benefit and grow together. Its great for customers as they receive referrals & promotional offers for trying out new products & services.

Success in business can be accentuated by your power to tap into your network. businessconnect employs the power of using a referral ecosystem to generate opportunities for all those that participate in the ecosystem.
For example, take three friends one of who owns a restaurant, another owns an ice cream parlor and a third owns a flower shop. They can all benefit from introducing their customers to the others' businesses. Customers would love being referred and receiving a speciai discount. For each business owner, they get new customers at the negligible cost of a promotional discount or freebie.

Marketing is the lifeblood of a growing business. businessconnect by connectchief works to identify marketing partners through technology with the goal of presenting your business to as many potential customers as possible.

Using businessconnect by connectchief, any business can build its referral ecosystem whereby they can...

  • collaborate with other non-competing businesses, each of them refer the other to their respective customers
  • through promoengine offer their & their partners promotions to customers from time to time (example: an ice-cream parlor recommends a swimming school that targets the same customers)
  • build a support, growth & collaboration ecosystem
  • and gain many other benefits like pooling together purchasing requirements with ecosystem businesses to have stronger buying & negotiating power for business purchases.

Our vision is to keep building amazing new technologies so businesses using our platform can run better & thrive.

In these modern times, every consumer is an informed consumer. We make most our buying decisions online. Most often, consumers lookup what others think about a product or service before they prospect that business. Your online reviews, speak to how well your business is trusted by others.

The other reason why customers look up a product, service or business online is because they want to know if they are getting a great price for their purchases. With promoengine by connectchief, you too can have a promotions & discounts program like the big box stores. offer discounts to your customers and build loyalty.

Online or brick-and-mortar connectchief helps your business become better aligned with your customers expectations.

We created trustengine because online reviews matter to businesses & to consumers alike. Online reviews help consumers make better purchasing decisions. What matters most to business owners is that the online reviews of their business are transparent & trustworthy

trustENGINE is an independent third-party platform and our goal is to help business owners present their business to target customers in full transparency. We've met hundreds of business owners who struggle to cope with fake reviews on online platforms. Most business owners feel they are not in control of their online reputation and find it extremely hard to flag fake reviews or to manage & respond to customer opinions. What we've found is that even the best businesses can deliver a poor experience sometimes. Good businesses listen and fix their mistakes. A business that listens to its customers is prefered over one that does not. We're here to bring full transparency so consumers can know (through online reviews) how good a specific business is at delivering smiles.

With trustENGINE, we decided to do things differently...

  • To ensure full transparency, we decided to seperate the job of asking for reviews & collecting reviews.
  • The business owner can ask their customers for reviews. Business owners can also respond to reviews they receive on trustENGINE platform. Infact,businesses can even openly incentivize their customers for reviewing them on trustENGINE (we will tag that review as "incentivized").
  • trustENGINE uses it technology & expertise for collecting reviews for the business. We tag reviews as those that come form from verified transactions vs those that do not.
  • The business owner can decide the criterion that determines what makes a verified transaction. As an example, the business owner can require that users upload the image of a 'receipt' or other valid proof of transaction at the time of providing a review. This approach gives real users a voice and helps eliminate fake reviews from clouding out transparency
  • Business owners get one place to manage all their reviews and they can also respond to customer reviews
  • trustENGINE showcases the overall ratings for your business and also showcases the total ratings from verified reviews. At time of collecting customer feedback we require them to demonstrate that they are a real customer with a real experience validated by a purchase receipt, invoice or any other method that proves they are an actual customer of the business.
  • A powerful, technology based solution that allows you to collect customer feedback in-store or online.

trustengine is a complete platform for customer feedback collection and management. Here are two ways we make it easy for you -

  • if you are an online store, we give you full APIs to collect reviews from customers using our platform right from within your website or app
  • If you are a brick-and-mortar store, we provide you tools like QR codes and other branded collateral to capture customer feedback / appreciation or criticisms right while they are in your store.

    See how Denise's cupcakes is growiing their reputation with trustengine and connectchief. See our trustengine

Customers can write a review for you anywhere. However, thats the hardest way to grow your reputation. You need to manage and grow your reputation. With trustengine, you can automagically collect reviews from customers without really making a huge effort.

Place the connectchief SNC tag at your business premises. Let customers see your reviews. Invite them to write a review while they are in the store. In fact, go ahead and incentivize them to write one.

See how Denise's cupcakes is growing their reputation with trustengine and connectchief. See our demo page

Fake reviews are a huge problem for businesses.

Fake reviews come from many sources – jealous competitors, disgruntled customers or employees or anyone who may have any reason to benefit from your business not doing well. Fake reviews can misinform customers if not handled properly.

If you are collecting reviews on multiple platforms, its next to impossible to keep pace with the incoming reviews. Collecting reviews on trustengine can help you in many ways -

  • Collect real reviews from real customers by inviting them to write reviews in-store itself.
  • Incentivize real customers to speak their mind from while they are at your storefront.
  • Be in control of your reputation, reply to reviews in real-time, collect a lot of reviews. Record reviews from verified transactions by having your customers give a receipt numbers etc when they write a review.
  • Mitigate fake reviews by being able to challenge 'suspect reviews' on the trustengine platform. Your rating shows up as measured from overall reviews and also from reviews from 'verified transactions'
  • There's even more ways to why trustengine helps you present the truth to customers.

The term flexx working refers to the remote first model of work that is adopted by most startups and small businesses.
Flexible work (aka flexxWORK) encompasses trends and services like work from home, virtual office address services, hot desking, coworking spaces and other approaches to flexible working.

Not all businesses need a permanent office space these days. Internet based or work from home businesses can be run very effectively if the owner subscribes to a flexible working space.

A flexible working space includes the use of a professional address (virtual office address) to receive postal mail and access to professionally managed office facilities (desks, meeting rooms etc) on either a subscription or a pay-as-you-use basis.

The flexxWORK platform is revolutionizing the modern office.

Today, Coworking companies offer flexible office space to their subscribers. However, the subscribers remaain limited to only locations and facilities offered by provider. By being a part of flexxWORK, the providers can expand its offering. They can refer their subscribers to use the faciliteis of any other in-network provider in the same or in a different city on a one-time use basis.

flexxWORK is also enabling office real-estate organizations to behave like co-working spaces by allowing them to offer their long term lease clients the option to roam to other in-network office facilities.

Example: A business owner in Austin may likely have an long-term office lease in downtown Austin or may have subscription at a coworking space. However, when they are heading to Dallas, Chicago or Los Angeles for business, they may need access to one-time or limited-time office spaces in that other city. Through flexxWORK they can reserve any in-network provider's facility for client meetings, conferences or events.

With flexxWORK, subscribers get convenient access and the providers get to promote their services to new prospects and also offer their own customers easy access to office space in other cities anywhere in the world.

Our mission at connectchief is to build technology that supercharges all businesses to run better & grow faster.
In that same spirit we've added flexxWORK, a software within the connectchief platform thats making flexible office space solutions easily accessible for users & providers.

You built a coworking business because you care for the community around you. At flexxWORK we are centered around the concept of nurturing the community too. There are a few benefits to you and your coworking community for using flexxWORK -

  • With flexxWORK Virtual offices you can offer a subscription enabling your clients to receive mail at your coworking location. Subscriptions for virtual offices are not limited to just the users in your community but to anyone who is remote but does business in your city.
  • Once your business is signed up as a flexxWORK service provider, we also provide you a dedicated page on our website to list your business and its offerings so users vising our platform can discover your business.
  • You can even decide to offer one-time use, pay per us or other limited use services to users of flexxWORK who wish you access your facilities like hot desks, meeting rooms or event spaces.

Through flexxWORK we are committed to building a community of users and providers of flexible office spaces so that enterpreneurs have the flexiblities they need to start, build and grow their business.

A virtual office address is an office address in any remote city which you can rent and use it as a business address to receive postal mail and packages. Sometimes, Its also known as a virtual office. Virtual offices have been around for over two decades. In the last few years, with the growth of internet & home based enterprises, more businesses have taken the route of having a dedicated virtual address and pair that up with pay-as-you go or monthly subscription plans to flexible workspaces.

A virtual office is a great solution for most small businesses whose staff is either distributed or spends most of their time outside the office. The growth of home-based and online business enterprises has created a significant need for a virtual address.

A virtual office can come with additional conveniences like receiving your mail digitally, having your packages forwarded to you, a phone number with phone answering services and also options for flexible working space. The virtual office is effectively the ultimate in lowering fixed costs and getting the highest flexibility any business owner can have.

A virtual business address is a real street address at a prestigious office building location where you elect to receive your business mail and packages. It is not a PO box. Unlike a PO Box, a virtual address for a business can give you direct access to your mail as teams of trained administrative professionals scan your mail to be accessed by you online within your flexxWORK app. You also have the option of having the mail forwarded directly to you at an additional cost

If you are a freelancer or if own a business but do not have a physical office, we highly recommend you to get a virtual office. Virtual offices give you a heightened level of security & greater credibility. With flexxWORK you get a professional address and access to a large number of flexxWORKing facilities that you can work out of and host meetings with your clients & business colleagues without having the obligation of a long-term office lease

Virtual office addresses are most often used by people who work from home or businesses that do not maintain a physical location. If you operate a business, in most countries you need a business address and there are too many good reassons why you wouldn't want to use your home address or a P.O. box for a business address.

Virtual office addresses help you seperate your business address from your home address. You do not need to maintain an office space (lower costs), it increases your business' credibility and gives you other benefits like remote work, no commute, increased productivity, working from anywhere, hiring a distributed team, easy expansion, no long-term office commmitments and much more.

Virtual office addresses provide you a prestigious street address for your business as opposed to a PO box number at a mail center. In addition, our technology notifies you instantly when new mail is received so you can review it and decide if you want to go pick it up or request for it to be forwarded to you. P.O. boxes typically only receive your mail. With some of our virtual office locations, there's always someone at the front desk who can sign for a package and you can go pick it up at a later time.

Yes, you can use your home address as your business address. While it may seem to be a zero-cost way of getting started but does carry some risks. The address you choose for your business will be used on everything from your website to your letters. Effectively it will be public and easy to find online. So to maintain a level of security, most people opt for a virtual office service like flexxWORK as opposed to using their home address for business.

With flexxWORK virtual offices, you can receive mail for upto 5 addressees at your virtual office.
More addressees can be added to an existing subscription for an additional fee.

Be sure to review the industry requirements that apply to your specific scenario. Some restrictions may apply to using a virtual office. If you are required to have a resident or registered agent at your office location, some of our virtual office operators may offer such a service for an additional fee. Please inquire with the operators directly for details.

You can use a virtual office address from flexxWORK to obtain a business license. Be sure to review your specific requirements with the virtual office operator.
flexxWORK virtual offices are owned & managed by the providers operating the service. Some operators may even agree to hang your license at the location. Additional fees may apply.

Our virtual office services are offered by many co-working & office real estate organizations.
Of course, you can always rent a meeting room at the same location where you rent a virtual office (assuming they offer meeting room services). As part of being a flexxWORK user, you can rent virtul offices, hot desks, meeting rooms and even event spaces at any of the flexxWORKing providers in our network.

Many different types of businesses can take advantage of utilizing a virtual office. Some of the types of businesses that would benefit from a virtual office include:

  • The small business owner that works from home and wants to project a professional image
  • Sales professionals who travel but require office amenities while on the road and can’t fulfill their needs in hotel business centers
  • Startup companies with limited overhead funds
  • Businesses looking to expand to a new location and want to test the market before making a large capital commitment

In general, there are no citizenship or physical presence requirements when renting a virtual office. Check with your virtual office services provider for details

flexxWORK is the software platform that is used by virtual office service providers to offer virtual office services at their facilities. The service tiers & pricing for the virtual office services are determined by the provider. The service provider's staff operates the virtual office including the scanning & forwarding of the received mail.

The solution runs on connectchief's flexxWORK platform and the provider compensates us for the use of our platform for the provision of these services.

     Your Name(s) 
     Street Address of your virtual office provider, #XXXX(XXXX is your virtual mailbox number)
     City, State

We attempt to discard/shred all advertising, "presorted standard" or "junk mail" at no extra charge, so you are not bothered with unnecessary mail notifications. However, pardon us if some items slip through to you

A virtual office address is a super convenient solution for all internet based businesses. Its also a great way for individuals to receive mail if they do not have a fixed permanent address.

  1. Download the flexxWORK mobile app for virtuals offices & flexible workspaces.
  2. Identify a virtual office services provider on the flexxWORK platform.
  3. Subscribe for the virtual office service within the app
  4. Upload the required documents including a Government-issued proof of photo identification and a signed copy of USPS Form-1583 (for USA based virtual office addresses only)
  5. Receive confirmation email that your virtual office address is ready for use (within 48hours)
  6. Start using your virutal office address
  7. Receive incoming mail in your flexxWORK app

A virtual office address or a virtual mailbox service is a super convenient solution to offer for all office real-estate buildings, mailbox operators and even for coworking spaces. Using flexxWORK virtual addresses your clients can receive their mails digitally on their flexxWORK app.

To be a virtual office service provider on flexxWORK,you must satisfy the following requirements.

  1. Your premises must have a valid business physical address that can be verified by our team as a street address. You may not use a PO Box, a rented or residential address for offering flexxWORK powered virtual office services.
  2. USA-based providers, You must show us proof that you are authorized by your local postmaster to operate as a CMRA (a signed copy of your USPS Form-1583A)

Flexible working space subscriptions allow business owners, entrepreneurs and employees of these companies to find a desk or meeting room in any city they are visiting. Businesses want flexibility. With Flex working spaces they are not tied to a physical office but can have access to one on an as-needed basis.

Flexible offices are great for landlords too, you get to rent the same space out to various subscribers on a shared basis and generate greater revenues by turning office real-estate into a service.

You already own prime office real-estate. Align with the shift in office real-estate trends. You can convert one of more of your suites into flexible workspaces,offer virtual office address services at that location and manage the entire operation using our platform. There are a ton of benefits to you -

  • Maximize use & revenue from your office real-estate
  • Increase your visibility to all business types. Multiple virtual offices colocated at one physical address
  • Negligible upfront investment & very low operating overhead
  • Completely digital office management through the flexxwork platform
  • Even offer phone answering services to your virtual office clients

  • Find and rent a virtual office anywhere in the world
  • Receive your mail digitally
  • Manage your virtual office subscriptions
  • Receive discounted service rates for pay-as-you go access to flexible workspaces at all our locations worldwide
  • Subscribe to flexible office workspaces where you need them

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