Collect reviews.
Grow Trust with customers
Don't wait for them to write a review
Ask for one!
Schedule a demo
Take charge of your reputation with ConnectChief
Most businesses do not get enough reviews because they never ask.
Over 95% customers read reviews before they decide to come in. Too few or weak ratings and you won't even get a chance!
ConnectChief reminds & incentivizes your customers to speak their mind.
Our automated engines help you get closer to your customers.
We remind & incentivize your customers to share what they think about you!
Successful businesses aren't just good. They look good too!
They've all got a showcase full of reviews telling you how good they are!
Meet trustENGINE
A place where retail businesses & their customers can build trust
Too many good businesses struggle with customer reviews
We've talked to over a 1000 business owners
They all deserve more positive reviews. But most are too shy or too busy to ask customers for a review.
Too many of them need help combating fake reviews.
Most also need help being proactive about customer service. Half don't even find out about a service issue until a negative online review shows up.
trustENGINE & ConnectChief can help businesses be proactive about their reputation & reviews
You need a clear strategy & plan to grow your reputation
It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it
Here are a few ideas & suggestions
Start with owning your reviews process
Enagage with customers faster than ever.
Incentivize customers to speak about their experiences.
Grow trust with transparency!